What is Rendering??
The actual definition of rendering is making a drawing more realistic, detailed, or look 3d, but I use rendering to be everything I do at the end of a drawing. It's definitly not the right term to use, but it's what I use anyway...
What it means for me, is that the lineart, flat colors, and basic shading are done, so I make a couple layers on top of everything else to add details, extra shading, and more! It's one of the funnest parts of drawing for me, I love it.
More or Less
I've done rendering in many different ways, but it can all be put on a scale from fully rendered, to not rendered at all. In the first drawing, I started with only flat colors and lineart, and everything else was done on 1 or 2 layers on top of it. The second drawing is more of a sketch/quick drawing, so there is no shading or excess details. Only lineart is rendered with a bit of shading on the glasses. The third drawing is what most of my drawings end up like. There is actually quite a bit of rendering but none of it actually looks like it. Before rendering all I had was very basic shadows and the flat color, and I added lighting and clothing details with rendering, then added a couple texture layers on top.
Details and Stuff
Chosing colors to shade with can be just as importatnt as picking flat colors. There are two ways I've done shading and that is with a layer set to multiply, or with a normal layer. When using a multiply layer I usually pick 1 or 2 colors to use for all of the shadows, while with a normal layer I choose a new shadow color for every section I'm putting a shadow in.