

My process with color is fairly simple. First, I put in the flat colors. These are the colors that are not affected by shadow or light. Next I add a few details like blush and any large clothing details like plaid or stripes. Next I add shadows, and lastly lighting. Then I move onto rendering.

Choosing Colors

When I chose colors, it's very all over the place and messy. Which usually results in a bit of a messy drawing... but to fix this I decide if my drawing should be mainly warm colors or mainly cold colors. Next I think of a color hierarchy, I usually have 1 main color and a couple secondary. As you can see in the example, the main color is red taking up half of the drawing, while yellow is next with about a quarter, and blue and green being the smallest. There are also plain colors which include most browns and whites. These are usually fairly desaturated and take up less of the viewer's attention.

Shadows and Lights

Chosing colors to shade with can be just as importatnt as picking flat colors. There are two ways I've done shading and that is with a layer set to multiply, or with a normal layer. When using a multiply layer I usually pick 1 or 2 colors to use for all of the shadows, while with a normal layer I choose a new shadow color for every section I'm putting a shadow in.